Author Archives: dave

Silent before my God. Yes!

Habakkuk 2:20 (NASB) “But the LORD is in His holy temple Let all the earth be silent before Him.” Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus Son of God

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Go ahead, ask the hard question, but make sure to bow as you wait …

Ask the hard questions, then bow down and wait for God’s reply … I still remember when this verse and the entire book of Habakkuk first impacted my approach to God with the unfairness of life. Habakkuk 2:1 (NASB) I … Continue reading

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The wrath of God, not popular but very real …

(John 3:36 NASB) He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. (Nahum 1:2 NASB) A jealous and avenging God … Continue reading

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Check out this video from my daughter’s church: “Eat this book.”

Ezekiel 3:1 (The Message) He told me, “Son of man, eat what you see. Eat this book. Then go and speak to the family of Israel.”  

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Micah 7:18

“Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity And passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in unchanging love.”;nasb95 via @Logos Sent from my … Continue reading

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Micah 7:7–8

“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. 8Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though … Continue reading

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Micah 6:8

“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?”;nasb95 via @Logos Sent from my iPad

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Revelation 19:6 – I’m going to be one of those voices. Yes I am.

“Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.”;nasb95 via @Logos … Continue reading

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MacArthur doing his usual great job.

MacArthur doing his usual great job.  The Birth of the King Even if you read about Jesus’ birth every December, you may feel like you’re hearing the Christmas story for the first time as John MacArthur gives you a behind-the-scenes … Continue reading

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Red fox. Kind of hard to see maybe.

Went from one part of the gravel pit to another and more wildlife. Red fox didn’t cooperate very well. Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus Son of God

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