Author Archives: dave

From my “office window” …

Beauty of God, glory displayed in the heavens … Psalm 19:1-2 (NIV)  The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. [2] Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display … Continue reading

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More morning sky beauty …

Again from my CAT 980H “office window” … Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus Son of God

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From my “office window” …

Beauty of God, glory displayed in the heavens … Psalm 19:1-2 (NIV) The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. [2] Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display … Continue reading

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We have a decision to make in our study …

In our study, our research, do we allow the information we find to change our direction? OR Do we only pursue and receive information that fits the direction we have chosen? It doesn’t really matter whether we are speaking of … Continue reading

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The death of me … The life of Christ!

From the song “Vision of You” by Shane & Shane In reference to Jesus Christ … “May the vision of you be the death of me. ” Yes! Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus … Continue reading

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Which life are we living?

What life are we taking hold of? 1 Timothy 6:12,14 (NIV) Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many … Continue reading

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K’s Lane – where your GPS won’t take you :)

This is the same photo but I have used two different filters and borders; very easy; nice results. Dave Scott See the full gallery on Posterous

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Wabco haul truck coming around the bend …

Really enjoying new software on my Mac – Analog from RealMac Software; pretty cool filters and borders.  Read somewhere that it is like Instagram for my computer.  This is at our South Pit location. Sent with Analog

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Me … a temple?

C’mon, God, you’re kidding, right?  Me … a temple of the Holy Spirit? I was humbled before God in the deepest sense of the word early this morning. … as I thought of God living in me, the Holy Spirit … Continue reading

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I’m okay with dying …

I’m okay with dying. I really am.  I am ready to die; ready to go to heaven; ready to see my Savior; ready to leave behind the pain and frustration of this world.  Now, I don’t believe that this is … Continue reading

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