Author Archives: dave

Can anyone know the exact time and day of Christ’s return?

MARCH 14 Can anyone know the exact time and day of Christ’s return? Jesus’ own words could not be clearer: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only … Continue reading

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1 PETER MESSAGE 13 – AUDIO – Called out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light – March 8, 2020

1 PETER MESSAGE 13Called out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light1 Peter 2:9-10Dave Scott

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1 PETER MESSAGE 13 – Called out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light – STUDY SHEETS – March 8, 2020

1 PETER MESSAGE 13Called out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light1 Peter 2:9-10Dave Scott

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AUDIO – COMMUNION – Holding Firm – March 1, 2020

COMMUNION – Holding FirmTitus 1Dave Scott

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COMMUNION – Holding Firm – STUDY SHEETS – March 1, 2020

COMMUNION – Holding FirmTitus 1Dave Scott

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A hard heart

A hard heart doubles down. Courage repents.

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the one who has been lying from the beginning

“Those lies that cause us so much fear, anxiety, and distress come from the one who has been lying from the beginning.” (David Powlison)

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1 PETER MESSAGE 12 – AUDIO – Becoming and Being the People of God – February 23, 2020

1 PETER MESSAGE 12Becoming and Being the People of God1 Peter 2:4-12Dave Scott

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1 PETER MESSAGE 12 – Becoming and Being the People of God – STUDY SHEETS – February 23, 2020

1 PETER MESSAGE 12Becoming and Being the People of God1 Peter 2:4-12Dave Scott

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1 PETER MESSAGE 11 – AUDIO – The Obedience and Honor of Living Stones – February 16, 2020

1 PETER MESSAGE 11The Obedience and Honor of Living Stones1 Peter 2:1-8Dave Scott

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