Author Archives: dave

Big worm day … week …

-> This has been “big worm” week. Do you know what I mean? Some years ago I heard this advice: “When you start your day, if you have two worms to eat, eat the big one first.” If I remembered … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday January 4, 2015

And Jesus taught that the #1 doctrine was to love God first with of our heart, soul, mind and might! Two vital questions: ONE: When we are commanded from Scripture to love God and love our neighbor, is that Bible doctrine? … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday January 4, 2015

Welcome to 2015! For the four Sundays in January I am going to preach a “Love God, Love Your Neighbor” series from selected texts. I thought to myself several months ago, “What a good way to begin the new year!” … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday December 28, 2014 …

Good Monday Morning to You, Forgiveness! Right with God! We should be thrilled. How exhilarating! What joy and peace! Right with God through Jesus Christ now and forever! In this age and every age to come! Message Title: Forgiveness … … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday December 28, 2014 …

FORGIVENESS IS CROSS-WORK! Hello All, Forgiveness! Do you ever wonder why we as Christians struggle with forgiveness the way we do? Forgiving others … Allowing God to forgive us … ? Do we realize what forgiveness is? What it means? … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for Sunday December 14, 2014 …

Last message from Romans until we come back to that study on February 1, 2015. Message Title: If God Is for Us … Message Text: Romans 8:31-39 MP3: LESSON 21 If God Is for Us : Romans 8:31-39 : FFC : … Continue reading

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Miscellaneous Thoughts and a Note on My Approach to Predestination and Other “Interesting” Doctrines …

While still in the praying part of planning my preaching schedule and thinking very seriously about preaching through Romans, I was somewhat intimidated by the challenges. How to handle this? Explain that? And then I realized (God spoke to me?) … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for Sunday December 14, 2014 …

Hello Friends, I know I am repeating myself, but God is amazing. Kind of learning why we will spend so much time worshiping and praising him when we get to heaven. Sometimes as we wrangle with our theological issues and … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for Sunday PM study in the Psalms

  How do we do face the hostility of life? More specifically, what do we do when faced with attack by our enemies? And … even more specifically, what do we do when the people attacking were once our supporters … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for Sunday December 7, 2014 …

Hello to You, Thank God It’s Friday! Right? And thank him for every day. 🙂 Sometimes (probably often) we need to place our lives in the perspective of eternity. The Bible teaches us that we are mere vapors, mists, frames … Continue reading

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