Author Archives: Amos Gideon David

YYs prompt my Why?

Why did they believe something so preposterous? If the machine was only capable of running only 65 boards per 10 minutes, then how on this particular morning could “Amber” [Name changed – I want to say to protect the stupid, … Continue reading

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Selling our own version, branding God and the gospel.

How do we take something as attractive and compelling as the gospel and the story of God and make it so unattractive, boring and unconvincing? By we I mean the professing Church. And what I am speaking of is “selling … Continue reading

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Sometimes we have sharp edges.

Sometimes we make ourselves unapproachable. We want people to reach out to us, but we negatively “reward” people who do.  Oftentimes we can’t control our bitterness or resentment, or possibly we just don’t realize how we come across to people … Continue reading

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Oh me of little faith.

Are you ever surprised by how little faith you have?  I am. I am not saying this as we sometimes do, slobbering around in false modesty, being “proudly” humble (yech) and all. I am confessing my bewilderment at how little … Continue reading

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Attaboy, Dave!

I am within a few chapters in Revelation of finishing my “yearly” read through the Bible which began on March 15, 2006.  Yes, it has taken over 1 1/2 years, but as I have said before that is quite alright.  … Continue reading

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“Coming upon” truth as I read.

Surprised by the truth. Do you “come upon truth” as you read God’s words or are you always after some truth, proving a point, winning an argument, preparing a Bible lesson? Okay, so you aren’t argumentative but you pursue fanciful … Continue reading

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God’s audio players

It is always a good thing to better understand what it means to be a servant of the Most High God, to be able to grasp more of the vision and purpose of our worship and service to him, thus … Continue reading

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I need to remember – God is God

I need to remember that God is God.  That is what I told myself this morning on the way to work as I was so worried about my oldest son who has “lost” much (maybe most) of his sanity.  Oh, … Continue reading

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Say it when there is no audible “Amen”

Sometimes we have to say it even when we cannot expect a chorus of “Amens” from the brethren. We all seek affirmation from the group in one way or another. And desiring that commonality of purpose isn’t wrong but letting … Continue reading

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Maybe a “double-dog dare” would work? Hmmm…

(1 John 1:9 NKJV) If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If I am faithful and just, and really, really mean it – “cross my … Continue reading

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