Author Archives: Amos Gideon David

Surprised by the familiar.

Here is one thing that will happen as you continuously read through the Bible, especially if you read through in different translations. Familiar texts will sneak up on you. You will arrive at this familiar text from another direction without … Continue reading

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She thinks my tractor’s sexy.

You have heard the country song, haven’t you?  “She thinks my tractor’s sexy.” Well, that’s what she said.  Kinda’.  My wife, I mean. Saw me one day on that big CAT Tonka toy and liked what she saw. I thought … Continue reading

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dave’s newest site –

Beyond Pretend Home Check it out. Thank you very much! Okay, so I’m playing a little bit with Scribefire, which by the way, have I mentioned this wonderful firefox add-on.  This is a must have if you blog. I am … Continue reading

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Here’s another one you must have – “Everything” This is a search engine recommended in either pc mag or pc world; low resource usage; and fast, fast, fast. Just start typing in whatever you want to search for on your hard drive and there it is. I … Continue reading

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Some leeway for the brother. . .

So many times we ask God for wisdom concerning. . . We want to earnestly to do the right thing, the profitable thing, the good thing. So what if God answered every question?  What if he gave us specific direction … Continue reading

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You are better than no one; no one is better than you.

Not sure where I picked this up.  I mean, I know Mom and Dad taught this, but I don’t remember a specific instance.  It was just always there.  Treat others with respect and care before God.  And I saw them … Continue reading

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I am a voice.

(Matthew 3:3 GW)  Isaiah the prophet spoke about this man when he said, “A voice cries out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way for the Lord! Make his paths straight!’” Okay, not as dramatic as John the Baptist. But I … Continue reading

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Talking donkeys, dumb asses. . .my bad?

“I believe in talking donkeys.” I first heard the term a few years ago during a telephone conversation with an acquaintance of years gone by. That is what she said during our talk.  “I believe in talking donkeys.” I was … Continue reading

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Our ultimate “escape” is in God and only God

(Ephesians 1:11 MSG)  It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on … Continue reading

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And a link to David Crowder Band

Free Music: Sunsets and Sushi by David Crowder Band – Rhapsody Online

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