Category Archives: daily thoughts

We’ve got the whole world in “our” hands?

Yip, that’s what they had the children singing.  Global warming and all.  First heard this rendition on the radio this morning; they were speaking of the Chris Dodd presidential campaign.  I remember several years ago, in our very first church, … Continue reading

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Flower gardens with my Sweetie

Been busy in the good ol’ out of doors. Flowers, plants, edgings, shoveling, raking, stopping to visit with the neighbor’s black Lab, Samson, aka Sammy. Sammy is a regular visitor to the back door. Helps us keep the fridge clean, … Continue reading

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How do we “handle” the word of truth?

Rightly or wrongly “handling” the words of God? (2 Timothy 2:15 ESV) Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. We have … Continue reading

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Dave and the Peafowl

First some background information and then my story about my run-in with a peafowl. That just sounds funny — peafowl. I have found a new word for my growing vocabulary of descriptive terms for petty religious folk, peafowl. Anyway the … Continue reading

Posted in daily thoughts, To the "unbelievers", To the Christians | Leave a comment

Do you hear that Echo?

39.948 That’s right, dude, as in mpg.  My little, red Toyota Echo. I really dislike paying big bucks for gas, and I like small cars.  I’m small, just not as small as I used to be if you know what … Continue reading

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Is Christianity merely “a way of life?”

Listening to Alistair Begg this morning on the radio, one of the few I listen to anymore, tired of yada, yada, and personalities dominating more than God speaking. Speaking to the professing Church he spoke of those who have learned … Continue reading

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A truly freeing moment, or lifestyle

Was thinking earlier today at work.  By the way I really missed the boat on the title for the previous post “One with my machine.”  Should have been “Me and the Caterpillar.” Anyway my thought earlier from today’s version of … Continue reading

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One with my machine

The mental state that the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls “flow” can be genuinely magical.  There is nothing quite like the “deep enjoyment” of losing yourself in an experience, of becoming one with your work or hobby or sport (PC World … Continue reading

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Concepts in the classroom or truth in life?

Where do we learn truth? In the classroom or in life?  And what truth do we learn? Let me develop a thought without saying “this is the answer” but which I hope will be as provocative to you as it … Continue reading

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A vapor trail.

(James 4:13-14 NKJV)  Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. … Continue reading

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