Author Archives: dave

Our universal problem with control …

Sin is our desperate attempt to be sovereign. (Jack Olsen Cornerstone EFC Casper, WY) Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus Son of God

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You insisted on traveling the universe without God’s input and now you have it …

(Excerpt from Beyond Pretend © 2010 David Lee Scott pp.60-62.) Our predicament: Leave this planet with no changes from where we began our journey and where we are now, and whoosh, next thing we know, we find ourselves in outer … Continue reading

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A lie in my right hand?

Isaiah 44:20 (NASB) He feeds on ashes; a deceived heart has turned him aside And he cannot deliver himself, nor say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?” Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of … Continue reading

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Even from eternity …

Isaiah 43:13 (NASB) “Even from eternity I am He, And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?” Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus Son … Continue reading

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No other Savior …

Isaiah 43:11 (NASB) “I, even I, am the LORD, And there is no savior besides Me.” Man, I love the book if Isaiah! Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus Son of God

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The irony of the jelly bean …

The best things in the Bible, the true promises of God typically (always?) have a negative cover or skin. Beginning with acknowledgement of our sinfulness which is our first step toward the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Romans 3:23 (NASB) … Continue reading

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Who has … God has!

Isaiah 41:4 (NASB) “Who has performed and accomplished it, Calling forth the generations from the beginning? ”I, the LORD, am the first, and with the last I am He.”” Dave Scott Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following … Continue reading

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A not-so-good garden experience …

(Excerpt Beyond Pretend: A Sheep’s Guide to the Universe! © 2010 by David Lee Scott. All rights reserved, p. 29.) A shared experience from the garden … “Where are you?” God had asked, but the one asking the question was … Continue reading

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Definitely is spring …


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It must be spring …


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