A not-so-good garden experience …

(Excerpt Beyond Pretend: A Sheep’s Guide to the Universe! © 2010 by David Lee Scott. All rights reserved, p. 29.)

A shared experience from the garden …

“Where are you?” God had asked, but the one asking the question was the only one with an answer. How could we expect Adam and Eve to know? Their landscape had shifted from light to darkness, the cataclysm of “the fall” leaving them dazed. Waking up that morning, eagerly anticipating another day as the pinnacle of God’s creation, it was good to be them. Within hours everything from the deepest inside parts of their souls to the dirt under their feet had been transformed. They tucked each other in that night, snuggled in their new clothes, fearful of life in the new world they had created. Yes, they did know more than they did before, but knowing more they now lived in darkness. Their newly acquired knowledge yielded only confusion and fear.

Welcome to our world, Adam and Eve!

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