Author Archives: Amos Gideon David

God sent his servant to the hospital.

I heard my “friend” had suffered a stroke; 39 years old. Wow! My first thought was that I should visit him, try to be an encouragement, show him someone cares, all those good things we think of. . . . … Continue reading

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Don’t let the ruts in the road or the rocks in the path stop us. . .

I just ran into this while piddling around. Eugene Peterson says it so well in The Message. I remember the first time I picked up a copy of The Message. I believe it was the Psalms or possibly the Gospels. … Continue reading

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The “good work” isn’t completed until the day of Jesus Christ.

I am in process; the theological term is sanctification; lots of cleaning up and learning still needed.  Bunches actually. I need to remember that because sometimes what I believe is not what “comes out” in my life. News flash!  I … Continue reading

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Keep going. . .

Keep going. Isn’t that a lesson God teaches us over and over again in the Bible. From the very beginning of time, we – as in the human members of this planet – have stumbled. Adam and Eve. Abraham. Moses. … Continue reading

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I finally updated my web site.

Check it out; finally updated this site — Had the extra time since was off on New Year’s Day. Living by the words of God Powered by ScribeFire.

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Same God, two covenants

As our pastor was preaching Sunday in Hebrews concerning the superiority of Jesus Christ and the new covenant as compared to the old covenant, I thought: Same God, two covenants. Now that’s not exactly something we don’t already know and … Continue reading

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My morning armor.

Every cold winter morning I put my “armor” on before heading out the door to work — My Carhartt work coat, complete with attached hood. Every cold winter morning I am thankful for this protection from the elements that God … Continue reading

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Do I really trust God for life? Radio excerpt from 10/17/05

Hello and thanks to all who read this blog. It seems God is urging me toward something, and I am not sure what form it is going to take. I need to be more involved in the world around me … Continue reading

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Checking in again

Again I am sorry that I haven’t had (or taken) more time for this.  Getting three days off for Christmas was great and an extra day next week for New Year’s will be nice also. Had music stuff to do … Continue reading

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Checking in

For those of you who are following the blog, sorry I haven’t done much lately. I have been working a bunch of hours and extra time with family and church. I have a three-day weekend and hope to kind of … Continue reading

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