God sent his servant to the hospital.

I heard my “friend” had suffered a stroke; 39 years old. Wow!

My first thought was that I should visit him, try to be an encouragement, show him someone cares, all those good things we think of. . .

. . .and then often dismiss with our busy schedules, our fear of our mortality, our laziness, the very uncomfortable nature of hospitals.

I mean give me a break; hospitals can be very discouraging places, filled with sick people and all.

But I planned to stop after work and visit. And I did. I decided to not be selfish.

But I had to first deal with my process of rationalization:

  • Would it matter really?
  • I was tired.
  • I would get home late.
  • Traffic would be worse.
  • Parking spaces are sometimes hard to find.
  • Fill in the blank __________________.

Don’t misunderstand my intent.
I have not always made the right decision in these circumstances. I have before taken the easier route and gone on home. What swayed me was the opportunity to be there for someone in the name of God. I know that sounds so cliche.

And I know that someone may read this and think my entire purpose is to demonstrate how spiritual I am.

But my true purpose is to share that feeling of being right before God, and making a decision with some eternal perspective, and being able to step outside the picture and see myself possibly more as God sees me.

I really had the sense that God sent me. God whispered in my ear a good thing to do, and I did it.

God didn’t verbalize any words to my friend earlier this evening; he didn’t touch my friend’s arm, pat him on the shoulder, audibly tell him it is okay to cry, or hold his hand and pray with him.

He sent me to do all of the above.

Thank you, Father.

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