Author Archives: Amos Gideon David

Not in the mysterious studied, but the obvious lived.

I had to grab my pen and start writing quickly yesterday during our worship service. More thoughts on a needed change in perspective and perception in evangelicalism. We are the studiers, the “students of the Word,” blah, blah, blah. We … Continue reading

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Hot water, cold water, amazement, and thankfulness.

Several months ago I had one of those moments when a seemingly very ordinary, mundane thing was revealed for what it truly was. I was standing at the kitchen sink, and boom, capow. . .it hit me. I move the … Continue reading

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Kung Fu Kitty

How does God do it? This little beast just crawled up into my lap and captured me.  Sometimes (so often) I am amazed at God’s handiwork in his living creatures, human and otherwise. Jazz has become a part of our … Continue reading

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God is doing stuff or “the context of God in life” continued.

God is doing stuff, has been doing stuff and will continue to do stuff. There. That wasn’t so hard to explain after all. Last Friday morning, sitting in my car before work at about 6:30 am, but I also became … Continue reading

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. . “but have not love” but we don’t believe it.

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I … Continue reading

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The context of God in life

I hope I can put my thoughts together as I share this with you. Once upon a time. . .as I sat in my car before work on Friday. I  recently finished reading through Ezekiel in my “read through the … Continue reading

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Laptop confession

My blog time this week has been consumed mostly by my research in pursuit of a laptop. I labor over these things; it may take weeks but that is my methodology. Interesting stuff, huh? Amos 🙂

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“I know this…”

I know this truth, but then I round a corner on my journey, catch a glimpse of life from another perspective a little farther down the path and realize. . . I need to learn it all over again. This … Continue reading

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Good information or a “lick and a promise?”

Some people have good information and some don’t. THOUGHT #1: Bad information from the right person can sound really good, and sometimes we like it like that. For instance, maybe you have worked with someone who gave out information to … Continue reading

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Flashes of glory, knowing there is more.

“As Christians, we face disappointment in following Jesus Christ, sometimes bitter disappointment, but our way ends in glory, absolute joy.” A few  posts back I made that statement. (1 Peter 4:12-13 ESV)  Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery … Continue reading

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