Category Archives: daily thoughts

The flip side of love

The flip side of love – Never pay back evil for evil. Romans 13:8 (New King James Version)    8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 12:17 (New King … Continue reading

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Upside down living

That’s what Jesus calls us to. Die to live.  Lose to gain. Matthew 10:39 (English Standard Version) 39(A) Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. John 12:24 (The Message)  24-25“Listen carefully: … Continue reading

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Owe nothing but love, whether gravel pit or snake pit!

How do I handle the guys at work who tend to make me want to take a hammer to them rather than to pray for them?  How do I love “those” guys, you know, the ones I don’t even like? … Continue reading

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We have such a high priest. . .We have “Person”

“We have people.” You’ve heard and maybe used that expression.  If you’re a Verizon customer, you have people, “the network,” a group of people who can very effectively help you carry out your business, do your stuff. It means a … Continue reading

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Too much personality; too cute

We all do it, it seems.  Kind of fall in love with the stage, enjoy the laughs and everyone actually listening to what we have to say. Can be pretty heady stuff. I found myself at “too cute” one day … Continue reading

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dave speaking in the area

To those of you in our area:  I will be speaking at the Vigo County Fairgrounds in Terre Haute at a men’s event hosted by the Berean Brothers Fellowship of Maryland Church. Day & Date:  Saturday  November 15 Time:  8 … Continue reading

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The puzzle of ancient man, lecture Dr Donald Chittick

Check out this video. First heard Dr Chittick in Wyoming, then asked him to hold seminars at our churches in Portage, IN and Traverse City, MI Good communicator Gives excellent background and perspective for earth history Can buy the book … Continue reading

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So easily we slander.

Google “anti-Christ” and see what you get.  That’s what he said.  In fact his pastor had suggested it. So easily we do it.  Slander, character assassination.  But don’t worry because it’s okay if your cause is just.  Actually we don’t … Continue reading

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Some faith among all the fear.

Within all the insecurity of the financial markets in the US and around the world, I have found some true encouragement and peace.  I wasn’t really looking for it; wasn’t really expecting it; wasn’t looking for meaning or wisdom or … Continue reading

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Surprised by the familiar.

Here is one thing that will happen as you continuously read through the Bible, especially if you read through in different translations. Familiar texts will sneak up on you. You will arrive at this familiar text from another direction without … Continue reading

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