Some faith among all the fear.

Within all the insecurity of the financial markets in the US and around the world, I have found some true encouragement and peace.  I wasn’t really looking for it; wasn’t really expecting it; wasn’t looking for meaning or wisdom or for something to blog.  It just happened. . .this strange sense of peace that shouldn’t have been there.

I mean, it’s not like things didn’t bother me somewhat, but I just wasn’t afraid, and in fact, weirdly enough have been strangely comforted.

I don’t know how well I will articulate this but I have such a sense of the presence of God in all of this.   And as I work my way through this I also sense the voice of God, speaking to us if we win out over anxiety long enough to listen.  “I am here.  Have been, always will be, like forever.”

Can you see how little even the big people are?  We can run corporations and even countries but we are not in control.  We are not.

Okay, I think I am getting closer to clarity.

We are not in control which can be the scary part, if it were not for the way God can show us in the center of this how he is in control.

I think that’s it.  Nothing is secure apart from God; everything is secure within God.

It is like shake everything up and what is not moving is God.  Because everything else is moving, stock markets are bouncing up and down, gasoline is less than $3 a gallon, countries around the world are trying to rescue their banks. . .

But God does not have to call his broker, come up with a contingency plan, refinance, run out to fill up the car while the price at the pump is lower than it has been for months. . .

Nope.  God is God.  And we are people.  And if we can believe him, he will turn the picture frame right side up so you can see what is really going on.

Yes and amen!  God B. God!  Amen again!

Have you not been paying attention?

Have you not been listening?

Haven’t you heard these stories all your life?

Don’t you understand the foundation of all things?
(22)  God sits high above the round ball of earth. The people look like mere ants.
He stretches out the skies like a canvas– yes, like a tent canvas to live under.

(23) He ignores what all the princes say and do. The rulers of the earth count for nothing.
(24)  Princes and rulers don’t amount to much. Like seeds barely rooted, just sprouted,
They shrivel when God blows on them. Like flecks of chaff, they’re gone with the wind.

(Isaiah 40:21-24 MSG)

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