A different perspective on upcoming elections …

I have several Chinese friends from mainland China, and I subscribe to a newsletter feed – China Digital Times  – to help me gain perspective of the world in which my friends live.

This is what I found waiting for me this morning in my mailbox.

Many Chinese are open to a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Please pray for these amazing, beautiful people.

NOTE:  Sina Weibo is a micro-blogging service like Twitter.

  • Taiwan’s Election on Sina Weibo (Update)
  • January 13, 2012 10:50 PM
    As Taiwan voters went to the polls to reelect Ma Ying-jeou as president, observers on the mainland and around the world were watching keenly to see how the results will impact cross-Straits relations. The election is a big topic of conversation on Sina Weibo microblogging service; the following post is just an example of one Shanghai-based netizen’s view, which has been reposted over 20,000 times and received more than 3,000 comments:
  • @darkillzhou:Just now,  a Taiwanese friend said to me at the end of our conversation, “I am going to vote tomorrow morning, and we will know who will be the President by the evening.” I suddenly do not know how to respond to him. Although there is no real communication barrier between us, I felt thoroughly ashamed in front of him.  I could only say to him, “You guys are too backward. If we had to vote tomorrow morning, tonight we would already know who would be elected… ”
  • A couple of typical comments in response to this post: “Actually the whole world knows who our next term president will be.” And “We wouldn’t just know the night before, we would know five years ahead of time.”
  • http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2012/01/taiwans-election-on-sina-weibo


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