The Lord is in his holy temple. Hush, children of men.

Sometimes we have moments where thoughts and expressions, truth about God or ourselves or the world we live in sink in past the layers of cliche and we have “Aha” moments.

You know what I mean, similar to “learning it all over again for the first time,” deja vu going on, dude, as the abstract concept grows to a greater level of living reality in our lives.

(Habakkuk 2:20 NCV) The LORD is in his Holy Temple; all the earth should be silent in his presence.

Hush. Silence. Familiar with the truth, but now it has penetrated more deeply into my life.

Bowing before God, tempted to be afraid, remembering the love of God poured out in Christ, knowing I have been purchased by holy blood. . .praise, worship and extreme thankfulness.

Hush. God calms my heart. He is God, sovereign, holy, love and light.

Now I am quiet enough to see the greatness of God.

Thank you, Father.

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