Welcome to my new blog …

Hello Everyone,

My passion is to love God and to share the truth of his word with as many people as possible. Glory to God as we share his saving grace with a dying world.

To help me better live this out I have combined all my blogs except the one for The Internationals as that one is more unique and probably needs to stay apart. For those who do not know this is a blog to share information concerning the people in our international ministry at World Gospel Church in Terre Haute, Indiana.

I am hoping for more focus and exposure. I plan to do the same for my web sites. I realize that I had things too spread out and that most people were not going to search for my writing over multiple sites.

I have posts here back to 2007 when I first began “The Daily Thoughts of Amos Gideon David.” And all the posts from the Bottle Rocket blog and podcast. I didn’t transfer anything from The Narrow Gate blog as I had hardly anything there.

The old blogs will be active long enough to make sure that I haven’t overlooked anything and then I will put in a redirect link for the new site. I have had these for a while and don’t want to lose any connections with visitors.

I am pretty happy with my work, but there are always things to overlook. I would really appreciate any feedback which you can give via comments to this post or email.

Please take a minute and check out my archives, a drop-down at the top listing all posts, and a drop-down on the side for posts listed by month and year.




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