Made them “stink” in the sight of Pharoah

(Exodus 5:21 MSG) The foremen said to them, “May GOD see what you’ve done and judge you–you’ve made us stink before Pharaoh and his servants! You’ve put a weapon in his hand that’s going to kill us!”

Talk about stepping in it. Moses came to help and this is what he heard from the people he was supposed to lead out of the land and rescue.

Moses was in the land of Midian, minding his own business, married and had a son, got along with his father-in-law. Things were alright now after barely escaping from Egypt with his life.

And then one day as he was minding his own business, God interrupted the journey. . .maybe you know the story, burning bush and all. God tells Moses he needs to go back to Egypt and rescue his people.

One of the problems is that Moses had tried the hero thing before and it almost got him killed. He’s amazed with the burning bush but not so amazed that he is yet willing to go back to Egypt.

Maybe you are not familiar with the background. Moses was an Israelite raised by Pharoah’s daughter. He tried to help his people several years previous and ended up killing a man and fleeing for his life.

His story is  found beginning in Exodus 2 in the Old Testament.

Have you ever tried to help someone or a group of people and ended up “stinking” in their sight?

Sometimes this is how God’s plan works.

You are doing well, submit to God’s call, follow him and make everyone mad at you.  Moses probably thought “Here we go again!”  But this time he may have to run for his life from his own people, the people he was trying to save.

Following God means “stepping in it” and keeping going in spite of your failures.  Moses was not the great “up, up and away” hero we have made him out to be in our Sunday School stories, but he was a very real person and a tremendous man of faith.

And I can relate to Moses, the man of faith, but I cannot connect with Moses, Sunday School super-hero.

Are you feeling me on this?  🙂

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