Handouts for Sunday September 15, 2013 … Faith Fellowship Church …

A hypocrite is …
A person who is pretending to be someone or something he or she is not. She wears a mask as she attempts to elevate other people’s perception of her. In his mind he contrives an image of a person he pretends to be thinking to impress those around him.

But God turns the tables on us.
He paints a picture of his saints (holy ones/hagiois) that is beyond our imagination. In fact almost unbelievable. We continue to see in our study in Ephesians the lofty view that God clearly gives of his people, the Church, in Holy Scripture.

This week …
The Apostle Paul continues to instruct us to pursue this high calling, not by pretending to be someone we are not but by living up to who we are in Christ.

And he tells us how …
To learn who we are and what it takes to be who we are. No pretense or puffing ourselves up. Just faith enough to believe God and the amazing things he has done for us and in us through Christ’s finished work on the cross. And a willingness to change.

Message Title: Living Up to Who We Are in Jesus Christ / Living as the New People God Created Us to Be!

Message Text: Ephesians 4:17-32



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