The ultimate “game”

The “Game Version” of Pilgrim’s Progress: The ultimate game is life.

No avatar. No character in a Second Life virtual universe. You are it. You have been given a soul and a body. You have been placed on “the Board” in a particular place at a particular time.

GOAL: Stay true to your purpose in this life and present yourself with honor to the King of heaven in the next. Get “saved” and “save” as many other characters in your area of “the Board” as possible.

OBSTACLES: Powerful, unseen enemies. Self-deception and misdirection within due to our faulty psychological and spiritual makeup.

WEAPONS: A powerful, unseen Spirit within you. Words of instruction from the Creator of “the Board.”

GAME SCENARIO: You have been strategically placed in time and space by the creator and administrator of “the Board.” Each participant has the ability to win the game by taking the same path of the Way, following the King’s Son from this life to the next. Through the Son we have a way to not only escape, but to enjoy victory over all who would oppose us.

May the Administrator bless your journey!

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