Sometimes 39 is 1

Yip, that’s what I’m saying.

Also, sometimes 20 is 1, or 8 is 1, or 31 is 1. . .

I heard this from Warren Wiersbe several years ago.

Some Christians don’t have twenty years experience in the Christian faith.
They have one year’s experience twenty times.

How true, how true.

What brought this to my mind recently was a man blustering “I’ve been doing this for thirty-nine years.”

And I thought, yip, sometimes 39 is 1 also.

One year of growing, one year of openness and humility, one year of being teachable, one year of starry-eyed awareness of something greater than ourselves, one year of adventure, one year of looking past Earth’s horizon and just almost seeing heaven, one year of the wonder of giving our lives for someone else, one year of believing God is as great as his holy Book describes him to be, one year of being immersed in God’s love and caught up in his purpose.

But the same year lived over and over leads to stagnation. We quit believing, exploring, loving. Lose the wonder, lose the life. No more adventures, no more looking at cloud formations and almost seeing the entrance to Heaven.

We close off God, know what we need to know, our pride becomes our most distinctive feature.

Step off the heavenly trail and all we have are romanced versions of days gone by.

We talk about the good old days and completely miss the vision of Heaven.

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