Now that’s love

The summary of events:

She was bad, then I was bad, then she was marvelous.

My wife snapped at me the other evening. So I was angry. She was wrong, but I didn’t want to make the situation worse. I didn’t want to say the things that came to mind. So I left to run an errand (after I threw the checkbook across the room). Oops.

When I got back to the house, I tried to avoid her. The good part of my action was that I didn’t want to say any hurtful things. The bad part was I wanted to make a point and give her the cold shoulder for a little while.

[I’m glad you guys never do anything like this. Please pray for me. Oh, my, sarcasm is dripping into my keyboard. I don’t know if I will be able to finish this post.]

Hang on, I’m coming to the good part.

I’m sitting down taking my boots off and she comes toward me. Dang! My plan of avoidance is falling apart. Alert! Alert! Now she is going to hug me. What is a guy to do? I can’t be mean, just can’t do it. So I raise a feeble “I need some space. Please honor that. Leave me alone for a little while.”

But she moves in for the kill, apologizing for her sharp words as she draws closer.

More “let me alone” pleas fall weakly before her bold approach as she wraps her arms around me and tells me: “I can’t do that. I love you too much.”

Dang, boys! Now that’s love!

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