God, help me to believe … more!

“God, help me to believe.”

It seems I pray that often. Not … help me to believe in God for salvation (been there, done that), or help me to believe that the Bible is the word of God (ditto). But help me to live by a faith that grows, that continues to believe God is God and is not limited by my knowledge or experience or by our culture or politics or point in history on this planet.

I believe, help me to believe.

Help me to actually live by faith.

  • (Mark 9:24 KJV) And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

I don’t go KJV too often, but this is a verse that comes to mind attached to the above thoughts.

  • (Mark 9:24 NCV) Immediately the father cried out, “I do believe! Help me to believe more!”

The New Century Version gives us another “angle” on this truth. More. Believe more. Trust you for more, Lord. Never be satisfied for the meager scraps that my vision of life would yield.

A faithful group meets in our church basement every Wednesday, and we pray for more. We keep pushing against the door, keep knocking, keep asking. We do not puff ourselves up, or name and claim and all that silliness. We bow before God trying to believe that he will actually break down the walls of darkness in our community and allow us to effectively shine the light of the gospel.

That we can effectively carry the light of the gospel and break the bonds of alcoholism and materialism and the stranglehold of anxiety that so many face.

We believe, but we want to believe more.

We want to be an effective light set upon a hill. Effective as in we are passionate about seeing prisoners of darkness brought to the light, people saved from their sins, breathing the fresh air of forgiveness, finding their rightful place before their Creator and Redeemer.

But it is God who does these things. And we have to believe that he can and will. We ask God that we can be part of his grace and mercy and truth, vessels of honor through which the piercing light of the gospel shines and saves.

We pray. We huddle together as servants/slaves of God Most High and ask him to do things that only God can do. Bring sinners to repentance and salvation.

We believe, Lord. Help us to believe more.

Not more as in adding to the story, but more as in fully believing in and living by what is written and has been handed down from generation to generation. The eternal words of God which have made their way into our lives for a time by ink and paper but will continue long after this Earth goes up in flames.

There is no need to add or embellish, just believe what is written. Believe what is written which the Holy Spirit of God will teach us if we listen.

We believe, Lord. Help us to believe what we believe. Amen!




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