Hello All!

I know the calendar says March but the weather still seems February. If you are like me, you have had to make an effort to not whine and complain. But I can’t wait for Spring. Maybe more snow tonight. Hopefully that doesn’t stop services tomorrow. Gerald and the guys will let us know if that would be necessary.

Interesting, powerful thoughts this week. God calls us to build alone with him, but when we do “stuff” hits the fan from those who would oppose. The attack mainly comes through our powerful adversary the devil who is like a lion seeking whom he may devour. But the really hard part to swallow is when fellow professing Christians fall for Satan’s schemes and become part of his onslaught of fear, intimidation, threats and accusations.

Time to be afraid? No. Time to trust God. There is a reason we are called to love God first when we prioritize our lives. We need that strong bond to weather the storm as we seek his refuge and strength in our times of need. And he will be there.

  • GOD IS GOD: God is not merely a god of the land, not just a viable option to get by, but THE God of all creation.

Message Title: Building with God Alone!

Message Text: Ezra 4:1-24

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