How “not” to follow God Lesson Two: “Run, Forrest, run!”

Lesson Two: When things look overwhelming, run back to your comfort zone.

This particular fear induces memory problems. When we run back to our comfort zone, we forget about heaven and the glory of God.

“Run, Christian, run.”
Run back to the way things were. Hmm! Now wait a minute here. Isn’t that why we left in the first place, things weren’t so great and we wanted more? You know, upward and onward, reaching the lost, reaching out to one another, making a difference to the glory of God.

“Back under the porch, boys. Their big dogs are bigger and meaner than our big dogs.”

Was it just a lot of woofing or were we truly intent on following God?

(Numbers 14:4 ESV) And they said to one another, “Let us choose a leader and go back to Egypt.”

The great news about all of this: All of these lessons, although this group failed miserably, shows us what the spiritual terrain is like when we choose to follow God. We should know what to expect after studying their misadventures.

(Ecclesiastes 7:10 NIV) Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.

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