Beyond Pretend

Beyond Pretend: The Grass Really Is Greener on the Other Side

My new book title. Think about how much of our lives is pretend, shadows, layers, etc. But living our faith really is better, even if we lose our lives, and what does that mean exactly by the way?

How about a tease? So many people focus on the pearly gates but the narrow gate in Matthew 7 is where it happens. Miss the narrow gate and there is no pearly gates discussion.

The people who Christ addressed who missed the narrow gate but thought they made the pearly gates were not the atheists, not the card carrying ACLU gang, but they were God-professing, church going, Scripture quoting, miracle claiming religious folk.

So I urge us to ask ourselves as God asked Adam and Eve when the first “hiding from the presence of God” began – Where are you?

Right now my three sections are: Where am I? Who controls my world? What am I going to do about it?
I have been sorting through my thoughts for months now and asking God what he wanted me to do. In anticipation of my vacation coming up this week I began praying specifically that God would give me a focus, a direction if he wanted me to put things together in book form.

And voila, it seems he has really answered the prayer. Similar when I was putting together “Living by the Words of God” and asked God for organizational and biblical focus. Same deal, one solid direction to throw my effort into.

I have been off work this week; Monday is coming however. I am very thankful to have a job that pays the bills. But I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off.

I have been working on “Beyond Pretend” and learning my new music hardware and software. I hope to share some groovy stuff with you before long.

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