HANDOUTS for Mothers Day / May 11, 2014



Here are the handouts for Sunday.

Mothers, you want to feed your children good, wholesome food so they will be healthy, right?

Same thing with God’s word. Healthy (sound) doctrine means spiritually healthy children. This week we are going to look at maybe the best comfort food there is: contentment.

Basically, God says, “Live the life you have with honor in every respect and trust him to care for you.” This is sound doctrine. A good, healthy spiritual diet.

What happens when materialism chokes our perspective and “things” become too enticing? We have “a different doctrine” Paul says.

This different (unhealthy) doctrine creates a craving for controversy and quarrels about words, which produces:

  • envy
  • slander
  • dissension
  • evil suspicions
  • and constant friction

Yuk! Not very tasty for the children of God. What we need is a good dose of godliness and we’re going to the kitchen to see what’s cooking.

Message Title: Contentment: The Best Comfort Food!

Message Text: 1 Timothy 6:1-10

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