STUDY SHEETS FOR Sunday July 27, 2014

Hello Everyone,

Romans as a possibility …
Months ago as I looked to my preaching calendar for this year, I thought of The Letter to the Romans as a possibility. As we have now begun that study, God has dramatically confirmed that decision in my heart and mind. He has also confirmed it as I see the excitement in which you have received the study.

Not an easy decision …
But I didn’t make this decision easily. Much thought and much prayer. Part of my hesitation was the difficulty of some parts of Romans – election, foreknowledge, vessels prepared for destruction, etc. Honestly, it was a little intimidating.

Until …
Until I realized that God only calls me to be faithful to the task. Most of Romans – such as this Sunday’s study in Romans 1:16-17 – is very clear and amazingly powerful. As for the difficult texts, well, God took the pressure off when I realized that I don’t have to have all the answers. No one else does. In fact, I thought of how prideful I would be to think that I could tie together all the theological loose ends that godly men, dedicated scholars, have not been able to do for generations.

Explosions …
Getting to my point, I do not believe I have ever had a time as inspired and called as I am now in my preparation and eagerness for presentation as I have since taking this step of faith toward Romans. If you hear any explosions coming from the western prairies of Illinois, it may be me sitting before God learning these truths “all over again for the first time.”

Amazement …
God continually amazes me. I know part of this is because of my recent trial with the bike wreck, and I believe God is going to do deep things in my life because of that. But this began early on as I humbled myself before God and received this stewardship to preach through Romans. God is great and greatly to be praise.

So here are this week’s study sheets. Lord willing I will have the message MP3 posted no later than Tuesday next week.


Message Title: Not Ashamed of the Gospel!

Message Text: Romans 1:16-17

*A note on my numbering system for the study sheets. I plan to put all the study sheets and probably message notes also together in book form when I am finished. So everything will be number as such 1, 2, 3 … or PDF 1, PDF 2, PDF 3, etc.


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