STUDY SHEETS for Sunday August 17, 2014 …

Good Friday Evening Everyone,

Time flies when we are having fun, right! NFL preseason starting, SEC football almost here. Late summer and fall can be great. But then winter … Ugh!

Anyway, we continue in Romans and Paul continues to “come after” the established religious folk. We could consider that Paul is merely venting or just enjoys kicking dirt in their face, or we could maybe consider his love for the Jewish people and look at this as softening up their hard, calloused shell so the goodness of God’s truth will penetrate as he continues through this amazing letter.

We do that sometimes …

Just venting … getting it off our chest … but why?

Today maybe we can substitute “evangelical or fundamental Christian” for “Jew,” and
“the Bible” for “the law” but the issue is the same. We claim to have it all and know ourselves as guides to the blind and light shining in darkness.

But has our religion led us into something other than an assent to, or a knowledge of, the truth of God? Is our truth compelling enough to change our lives? We say that Jesus is Lord but does he rule our lives? Do we obey him no matter what?

How foolish to call God Sovereign, when as mere humans we call his holy instruction into question and defy and disobey him in basic tenets of the faith!

We strain God’s holy words through our grids of human rationalization and personal self-interest. We no longer hear God. We merely talk to ourselves.

I love God’s people, but I have no qualms about attacking religion that takes us farther from God even though we profess intimacy with our lips.


Message Title: Checking our Firmware – Pop Quiz for Guides to the Blind!

Message Text: Romans 2:17-29

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