STUDY SHEETS for Sunday September 14, 2014 …

blind man once was blind now see

Good Friday Afternoon to You,

Abraham believed God and God put it to his account for righteousness. That is how God can forgive us. Someone had to pay for our sin. Someone had to give us righteousness that would hold up before a holy God. This is our Jesus. Forgiveness comes because a great payment was made. The Apostle Paul here makes this point by tying the discussion of Abraham’s righteousness before God to the blessing of the forgiveness of our sins as he quotes David in Psalm 32:1-2.

  • (Psalm 32:1–2 ESV) Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

So one of the questions that I will ask this Sunday is this: “Are we there yet?” Do we understand that if we do not “get” forgiveness, then we do not “get” our salvation.

When we believe God for salvation, as Abraham did, we also have righteousness put to our account, as Abraham did.

By the way, we had righteousness – NOT self-righteousness – put to our account.

🙂 Dave

Message Title: Faith Counted as Righteousness!

Message Text: Romans 4:1-12


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