STUDY SHEETS for Sunday September 28, 2014

Glory of God High Hope 092814


What a great text this week!

“Since we have been justified …” or “Having been justified …”


We cannot imagine it, but if we could imagine standing before God in all his fury and wrath … If we could picture ourselves about to be incinerated by “the consuming fire” …

Then picture the opposite, and that is where we are in this week’s study.

Peace WITH God!

Because we are justified through Jesus Christ, we have …

  • Peace with God – Our legal position before a holy God based on our justification through Jesus Christ. Total, complete acceptance and approval based on the work Jesus Christ did when he visited the planet 2,000 years ago.
  • Standing in grace – And now we are standing in grace. The abundant, unreserved, undeserved, “unearnable” generosity of God to his redeemed.

Picture the guys in the Ocean Spray commercial standing waist-deep in cranberries. Rich, luxurious. That is our picture of standing in grace. Abundant grace is there for the believing.

Message Title: Since We Have Been Justified!

Message Text: Romans 5:1-5


there's no place like grace

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