Message MP3 for Sunday November 2, 2014 …

tree cherry John 15-8  bear much fruit

Hello All,

A revelation … God does not save us to accomplish and fulfill our purposes. Surprise, surprise. He saves us to fulfill his plan and purpose. Hmm … Could have had a V8!

QUESTION #1: Am I bearing fruit for death, or am I bearing fruit for God?

QUESTION #2: Am I amazed at the opportunity to bear fruit for God and bring glory to him?

  • Amazed … We should be amazed with the opportunity to bear fruit for God … Astonished, astounded, stunned, staggered, shocked, awed, flabbergasted, blown away … filled with wonder.

So are we … filled with wonder and awe?

Message Title: We Belong to Christ to Bear Fruit for God!

Message Text: Romans 7:1-6

MP3: LESSON 16 We Belong to Christ to Bear Fruit for God : Romans 7:1-6 : FFC : dave : 110214

dove Spirit white silhouette


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