STUDY SHEETS for Faith Fellowship Church for Sunday November 9, 2014 …

ninja battle rages

Hello All,

The Apostle Paul wants to clarify some things in this week’s text. The law is good, really good, even holy. Just in case we were getting the wrong impression. The law is not the problem. We are the problem, the sin that dwells in us.

  • (Romans 7:12 ESV) So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.

We are in a terrific battle with sin that we would surely lose … but “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

In spite of all the darkness in our battle with these sinful bodies, we must remember at least two things. One, we may lose some battles but we have won the war. And, two, we have a strong Deliverer in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

Message Title: The Battle Rages but the War Is Won!

Message Text: Romans 7:7-25

live by law of God thumb up

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