STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday February 1, 2015

man ladder what wall sign pointing

What wall is your ladder leaning against?

You’ve heard the expression: “He made it to the top of the ladder but realized that his ladder was up against the wrong wall.”

This was the problem for many of Paul’s countrymen. Their ladder was against the wrong wall. Sometimes we think that the Jews who rejected and crucified Jesus had a problem only with the new covenant.

But that isn’t true. These Jews, as Jesus pointed out, and as Paul does here in our text, had a problem with the old covenant also. They thought tradition and nationality meant salvation. They held their own righteousness over God’s. They rejected faith for law and rejected grace for works.

If they were living by the old covenant in a way that honored God, then they would have welcomed Christ with open arms instead of viewing him as another religious competitor.

They didn’t realize that it was all based on the promise of God.

They didn’t live by the Holy Scriptures of which they were so proud!

But we wouldn’t do that, would we?

Message Title: The Children of the Promise

Message Text: Romans 9:1-18

man looking over wall truth ahead Christ 2 John 9



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