Blown away.

This summer has been unbelievable, and as is my entire life it seems, mixed with great joy and sadness.

The flooding in our area; the violent storms.

You know that sound when a jet passes overhead or a car speeds by?  Zoom, whoosh. . .noise, wind whirling and swirling.  In the rear view mirror then miles ahead of us.

Something like that. . .this summer I mean.  My life. . .zoom, whoosh, whirl.

Amazing, wonderful things happening and my heart crushed with sadness, all together sometimes.

And then sometimes just numb.

Wonderful ideas for my book that I hurry and write down at work and then too tired or busy to flesh them out when I get home.  Life comes to life, and I can’t wait to write it down, but next thing you know I’m down to 1 bar on my energy meter.

Planting beautiful flowers which were like gifts from God himself.  Seeing so clearly how our little modest ranch home is God’s  blessing to us. He may as well have walked us to the door and given us the keys.

So it seems that life overruns me at times.

Blown away with life, good and bad.  And I think I have decided to let God piece things back together as he sees fit.

Ahhh. . .!  That feels better.  God being God and all.  🙂

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