Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday PM February 22, 2015

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The Fool Has Said in His Heart!

INTRODUCTION: Nabal … the epitome of a fool …

  • He thought he was a king but was merely a dead fool. Terrified by reality. Literally and actually scared to death.
  • The fool’s life unravels the moment he or she sees God.

(1) The fool decides in his heart that there is no God and reaps what he sows, 14:1.

  • Fools counsel themselves in their hearts.
  • Fools live by a “no god” creed.
  • Fools spoil (corrupt) their lives which results in terrible deeds and an absence of goodness.
  • The word fool is Nabal, cf. 1 Samuel 25.
  • Nabal’s life reflected this fool’s decision: “harsh” and “badly behaved” (1 Samuel 25:3), arrogant (1 Samuel 25:9–10), worthless, foolish (1 Samuel 25:25), evil (1 Samuel 25:39).
  • Maybe worst of all his distorted perception of a “no God” life:
    He thought he was a king but was merely a dead fool (
    1 Samuel 25:36–37).

(2) The fool may not know who he is but God certainly does, 14:2-5, cf. Matthew 6:19-24.

  • The LORD looks down from heaven and gives a very grave evaluation of humanity, 14:2-5.
  • His judgment is that everyone has turned aside 14:2-3.
  • His judgment is that fools pool their foolishness and multiply corruption (rotten to the core), 14:3.
  • The psalmist is incredulous at the lifestyle of the fool, 14:4.
  • The tragic irony of the fool: Reality means great terror because he has left God out of his life, 14:5, cf. 1 Samuel 25:36-37.

(3) The fool disdains the poor but the LORD does not, 14:6-7.

CONCLUSION: Flip that house. Our creed in our hearts? God!

  • Be encouraged with the renovation that God is working in your life.
  • We are not fools. We may still act foolishly but we are not fools.

MP3: Psalm 14 : The Fool Has Said in His Heart : ffc : dave scott : 022215 PM


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