STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday April 19, 2015

living sacrifices holy God keyhole grunge back

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the nice summer weather we had today. Yes. Grass cutting, working in the garden, walking, bicycling … 

Now on to this week’s study.

How do we know the will of God? How do we determine in our world the things that are good, acceptable, even perfect, in God’s eyes?

Today’s text in Romans 12:1-2 brings us to an exhortation to place ourselves in the best imaginable place in the universe. Before the throne of God in full acceptance. Bowed before God in all his holiness and righteousness and knowing that I am fully embraced by this mighty God.

So I do the only reasonable thing. I worship him and offer my life as a living sacrifice.

Do we understand what God offers us through his glorious gift of salvation? I come to this question again and again. We should be in such awe of God’s wondrous plan … How could we ever rebel? How could we ever stumble in our pettiness?

Here is an overview of Romans.

  • Doctrine/Theology: Romans 1-8
  • God’s Redemptive History: Romans 9-11
  • Practical Theology: Romans 12-16

Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is a necessary step to making the most of our opportunity as believers in Jesus Christ.

  • Want to know the will of God? Be able to properly evaluate your own life? Overcome evil with good? Relate in a God-honoring way to our government? Have God’s priorities established in your life? And the list goes on …

Present yourself to God as a living sacrifice and watch God go to work in and through you.

Do you want to do more than talk about bringing glory to God? Then present yourself before God as a living sacrifice? Do not miss your opportunity while still on this fallen planet!

Hard to believe? God said it, not me.

Message Title: Living Sacrifices!

Message Text: Romans 12:1-2

light bulb globe this little light 041915



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