STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday May 24, 2015

award good citizen dual blessing

Hello Everyone,

Do you love your country and want to support it in every way possible, but do not want to compromise your faith in God and his word in the process?

Are you sometimes torn between the rhetoric of patriotism and the rhetoric of the pulpit?

What if … 

What if I said that there is a very plain, simple track to being a blessing to both God and country in your Bible?

We can be a blessing to both God and country. The key is that we first and foremost live as citizens of the kingdom of God in a manner that is both prescribed by him in his Holy Word and pleasing to him.

Our text today in Titus 3 presents a life-style that transcends any government, society or culture and is pleasing in the sight of God.

Message Title: Remember This!

Message Text: Titus 3:1-11

in God we trust yes we can be blessing

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