STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday May 31, 2015

day is at hand orange line stick flowers

Hello All,

Wow! Almost June. Can you believe it?

  • Have you ever wondered what your main obligation or responsibility to society in general involved? What do I need to do in the world at large to be pleasing to my Savior?

Are you living in the daytime? Are you experiencing true freedom in Jesus Christ? Do you have the great peace and joy of a conscience in perfect harmony with your Creator and Redeemer?

  • That’s right. Dirty, rotten, no-good sinner in perfect righteous standing before a Holy God with a future more amazing than he or she could ever imagine! No fear. No judgment. Only the loving embrace of the Consuming Fire of Heaven. Go figure.

It’s all there. Don’t have to be a super-saint. Just faithful to God and his word. The first thing we need to do is listen to him. He will tell us what is most important, most meaningful to him. He will give us his list of priorities and responsibilities for our lives.

All we have to do is listen and then obey? Piece of cake. Or at least it should be. Okay, I know it’s not a piece of cake, fiery trials and all, gut punches, etc. But this is the life. All the abundance that God could bring. Floodgates of heaven opened because of the price Jesus Christ paid at Calvary. Wow!

We are to live in real expectation and anticipation of the soon coming of Jesus Christ. This expectancy should be yielding peace, courage, strength, trust, etc.

If you are still living in fear of world events, still tossed around with political trends, and maybe even insecure as to your standing before God …

Then I have great news for you! God has won. The war has been settled over 2,000 years ago, and if you have trusted in Christ and have received his gift of eternal life, redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins, then guess what?

You have won too.

If you don’t know this, if your world is one of dark and gloom, then please hear his voice.

  • (1 John 2:8 ESV) At the same time, it is a new commandment that I am
    writing to you, which is true in him and in you,
    because the darkness is
    passing away and the true light is already shining.

So wake up and smell the daytime, Christian Pilgrim.

Message Title: Owe Nothing but Love

Message Text: Romans 13:8-14

globe green darkness passing away

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