STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday June 28, 2015

frog kingdom of God is

Hello All,

How do we handle things when we disagree over matters of conscience? Or even how do we identify which issues are matters of conscience?

Thanks to God we do not have to guess.

He has given very clear instructions. That is never the problem, however. The problem is that we tend to not listen, especially if we don’t agree.

Yip. That’s how we are. Said it out loud because it is so true. We have this “gift” you might say which allows us to identify the foibles and sins of the people around us very clearly, super-precise. Even throw the Bible in for good measure.

But us … Not so fast, Jack.

Many believers in Jesus Christ do not enjoy the peace he gives which he says is not like the world gives. Not dependent on circumstances or the economy. Only dependent on God.

And as we are prone to do, we just do not take his divine instruction to heart and often pay the price.

Specifically, we sow the seeds of war in our relationships and are broken-hearted when we reap the seeds of war instead of peace.

Romans 14 gives amazing instruction, very clear and precise instruction, as to how we handle the “hot topics” of our lives and still build relationships and honor God.

But we gotta’ listen. And we gotta’ obey.

Pursue the things that make for peace and God will produce in us righteousness and peace and joy.

If we do not have this fruit abundant in our lives, then we need to check what we are inputing into our lives via our actions and possibly mainly our words.

Message Title: Pursue What Makes for Peace!

Message Text: Romans 14:13-23


input output peace diagram


input output war diagram



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