MESSAGE MP3 for Sunday July 12, 2015 …

Christ Jesus our hope FISHEYE in this hope saved FISHEYE hope never disappoint FISHEYE

  • (Romans 15:13 ESV) May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Oops! Have we forgotten that our God, the God of the Bible, is a God of hope?


  • Maybe you’ve heard the story about the two churches located a few miles apart on the highway. Drive down the road past the first church and read their sign: “god is dead.” But drive a little farther down the highway to the next church. What does their sign say? “Our God Is Alive, Sorry about Yours!”

Well let me say today … Our God reigns. Sorry about yours.

  • Sorry about your god whose purposes can be frustrated by the Supreme Court of this land. Sorry about your god whose power hangs in the balance on whether a Republican or a Democrat sits in the White House. Sorry about your god who allows the events of this world to rob you his worshiper of joy and peace. And very sorry about your impotent deity whose plan and purpose can be thwarted by mere humans.

But of course I’m not really sorry because that god is no god at all. Certainly not the God of the Bible. Our God, the God of the Bible, is a God of hope. He tells us that. And our God delivers on his promises!

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