STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday August 30, 2015

shepherd sheep red jugment dytopia

  • God answers our questions as only God can.
  • What is our Shepherd’s course of action in view of a world that grows darker by the day? How does he prepare us? He tells us that he is sending us out as sheep among the wolves.
  • Amazing message this week as we look at Matthew 10:16-39.


The LORD is my shepherd;

He provides everything I need.

He finds places of quietness and refreshment for my soul.

He directs my life to right acts in the name of God.

And even when facing death in the valley of the wolves,

I’m not afraid.

Why would I be?

My shepherd is with me,

and he comforts me by his great power and authority.

He showers his abundance on me every single day,

even in the presence of dark enemies.

He treats me as royalty. My life overflows.

And now goodness and mercy are everywhere,

following me like faithful hounds.

And I get to live with God forever.


Message: God Versus the Wolves!

Message Text: Matthew 10:16-39

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