In God’s sight …

In God’s sight … Living in a place that is pleasing to God … is very precious.

Do we “get it?”

We don’t come to this place begrudgingly. We do not merely accept God’s direction but we embrace what God has for us. In this passage Peter writes that this is the beauty desired. This is an invitation to living in the reality of God.

We all have agonizing decisions. We battle our wills. But in the end we must bow before God in gracious submission.

1 Peter 3.4
but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.

Do we trust God’s goodness, wisdom and direction?

Here is clear, simple instruction that when followed opens our eyes to what is valuable to God.

Will we choose God’s wisdom and words over our will and desires?

Hmm …

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