STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday September 20, 2015

welcome to Babylon the great

  • (Romans 8:28 ESV) And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

A truly amazing plan. God has an amazing plan for your life. He really does. The Bible says so. It’s just … Well … the catch is that it is God’s plan, not our plan that he promises to work out. And even though he explains these things very clearly in his word, we sometimes are slow to understand.

Because. Because we can’t let go of our plan for happiness and fulfillment. Like we would know? Think about it. What do we know in the context of eternity that God doesn’t tell us?

  • (Psalm 16:11 ESV) You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

God knows where happiness is. Billions of people have come and gone on this planet seeking life and happiness without asking God. Often rejecting God without a moment’s hesitation.

We don’t know where happiness is. We think we know because things seem right. But we are finite beings visiting the planet for around seventy years average. Really. What could we know that matters apart from God telling us?

Blankety-blank government. Many of us think that we would be happy if we had the government going our way. Get prayer back in school. Stand up for our morals. Always an excuse it seems for some. If only we had this in place, then I would be happy.

But happiness is at the right hand of God. And that does not depend on our government.

Just ask Daniel. Daniel was faithful to God and country for close to seven decades.

The weird part. The country that Daniel was faithful to was a cruel, pagan nation that had conquered his homeland and hauled him 900 miles away as a prisoner of war.

Daniel obeyed God. Daniel listened to God and his prophets and submitted to King Nebuchadnezzar as part of God’s judgment on the nation of Israel. Daniel was carted off after his home country was devastated by the invaders and thrived in a plan that only “God Most High” could carry out.

Attaboy, Daniel.

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