STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday November 8, 2015

dead or alive scull silhouette man

If there was a word for “knucklehead” in the Greek language, I am almost sure that James would have used it once or twice in this week’s text.

What is our expression? “What were you thinking?” In James 2:14-26 he contends with people who insist on defining the terms and setting the standard. They believe that they can just “say” they have faith and are “good to go.” They believe that a person can sit down and divide faith from works and be okay before God.

James is ready to pull his hair out it seems. Or maybe pull their hair out.

Genuine faith results in love and obedience to God. Saying we have faith, and saying that we believe in God, living in these generalities … Our faith is no different than the belief system of the demons.

We go our merry way, deciding apart from God what is right and wrong, coming up with our own religion, and we think God will say, “Good try. I appreciate the effort. I can see that you meant well. It’s the thought that counts.”

No, those people will hear: “Depart from me. I never knew you. You workers of lawlessness.”

Message Title: Faith that Saves!

Message Text: James 2:14-26

life or death yes

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