AUDIO “CATCH UP” for last three weeks …


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“Catch Up” Week for Audio …

This is my catch up week for the audio. You don’t want to miss the two messages by Pastor Ervin McNeill (Pacific Garden Mission Chaplain) from this past Sunday. They are brief. Too brief. Most of us agreed that we could easily have listened for an hour. Good stuff.

And there is my stuff for the previous two Sundays.

Scroll down. You will find what you are looking for.


Pastor Ervin McNeill / Morning Worship / Faith Fellowship / March 6, 2016


Pastor Ervin McNeill / Sunday School / Faith Fellowship / March 6, 2016


Dave Scott  / The Lips of a Priest Should Guard Knowledge / Malachi 2


Dave Scott / James Study / LESSON 13: Patient Farmers / James 5:7-12


Dave Scott / James Study / LESSON 14: The Prayer of Faith / James 5:13-20


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