STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – August 14, 2016

earth globe rainbow promise God said

An Outline of Genesis 9 …

  • God blessed Noah and his sons and gave them boundaries and guidelines for the new world they would face, 9:1-7.
    God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply.
    God put a fear and dread of humans on all the animals of the earth.
    God gave them permission to eat anything that moves and the green plants, except with the blood.
    God pronounced a reckoning on any animal or human who took the life of a human.
    God repeated his common to be fruitful and multiply and increase greatly on the earth.
  • God established a covenant with Noah to never again destroy the world by a flood, 9:8-17.
    God will never again destroy people and animals of earth by a flood.
    God gave the sign of the rainbow to remind us of this covenant.
  • Noah and his family left the ark and stepped into a new world, 9:18-29.

Message Title: Noah’s New World!

Message Text: Genesis 9 & Selected!

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