STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – August 21, 2016

men whiteboard chose their plan

Life can be very complicated, but often our complication is a result of and an excuse for our sin. Look at how “complicated” things became in Genesis 3. God says, “Don’t eat from that tree.” Not complicated. At least not until we discuss what God really meant.

The background research for a Genesis study can be overwhelming. For instance, this week we have the “Table of the Nations”, how they were actually dispersed, the division of the earth at the time of Peleg … Questions such as, “Was there really one language at the time, or did it mean that they had a lingua franca, a universal trade language?”

Genesis is in one way chock full of very complicated issues.

BUT ON THE OTHER HAND … many of them break down as simply as the first “complication” that Adam and Eve encountered when they were deceived by the serpent.

Today’s message concerning the dispersion of the nations at the time of Babel is an excellent example. We can research Ancient Near East culture until our eyeballs roll across the floor, but the issue is that the people gathered and came up with their own plan and ditched God’s plan.

As humans, we have a history of this. See STUDY SHEET TWO for reference.

God had saved humanity again and blessed them again and commanded them again to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. And they said “Thanks, but no thanks” we are going to settle down right here. If we pull together, we can do great things.

Complicated? No. Rebellious, stiff-necked and stupid? Yes.

As did Adam and Eve, they doubted God’s plan for their lives and chose another direction.

Message Title: The Sin at Babel!

Message Text: Genesis 11:1-9


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