STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – September 18, 2016


  • Do you ever wonder at times if we, as in God’s people, or at least those who profess to know God, ever listen to him?

We get something pretty unique in a study of Revelation. We get the central idea and God’s stated purpose within the first three verses.

The first three words of Revelation are: The apocalypse of Jesus Christ. Apocalypse meaning the revealing, unfolding, uncovering of Jesus Christ, not the meaning we usually attach to it. However, that meaning comes along as Jesus Christ is revealed and is seen as the One worthy to break the seals on the scroll that brings devastating judgment–aka apocalypse–on the this world.

Here is another starter point: So many people trying to identify the anti-Christ. But if we are paying attention to the words of God himself, he is telling us that this revelation is a revelation indeed. The revealing of the glorified Christ. Maybe we should make sure we know who the Christ is before we are too concerned about the anti-christ.

So much in this ending chapter of the story and drama of this world. Going from a study in Genesis to a study in Revelation seemed to me when the thought first floated through my consciousness a wild idea. But now … wow! I see God’s perfect timing.

Genesis: Here is how it all began.

Revelation: Here is how it will all end.

I can hardly wait!

Message: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ!”

Message Text: Revelation 1:1-3

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