STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – October 2, 2016


Ephesus … Some kind of city. Some kind of church.

  • What a resume this church had! By any human measurement or observation, right up to the time of John’s writing now in Revelation, this appears to be a good, strong church. In fact, if you were to move to Ephesus around AD 90 and were looking for a new church home, you would be thrilled to find this church.
  • Their commitment to faithfulness and duty was reflected in the words of Christ himself. They worked hard and patiently endured. They exposed fake church leaders, endured suffering and hardship for Jesus’ sake and did not grow weary in well-doing.
  • Some kind of town! Some kind of church! Wow!

Except … they weren’t.

  • They were seriously flawed. So flawed, in fact, that they were in danger of losing their gospel witness. Why? They had forgotten what was most important.

Message: “First Love—Remember & Repent!”
Message Text: Revelation 2:1-7


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